Hi, I'm Tony Milner, a self-taught artist, based in Nelson, New Zealand. My style tends toward realism, however I'm always keen to experiment and try out something different - different mediums, materials or styles.

Oils and watercolours are my preferred mediums, although I also enjoy working with pastels, acrylics, pencil, and pen and ink. As far as subject matter goes, I'm always on the look out for something different, so my artwork covers a wide variety. I like to put some narrative or drama in my works, and I enjoy painting portraits - humans and animals.

As a schoolboy, I discovered I could faithfully sketch or paint what I saw, but I soon learned there was more to it – there was the creative side. So, I set about developing as a “real” artist.

I read, I listen, I question and watch. I study the works of other artists – old masters as well as contemporary artists – and learn from them. But mainly, I learn by the most effective method – simply getting down and doing it. The journey is on-going and I guess will always be so, and that’s the most enjoyable part.

I’ve sold my art through galleries and exhibitions, and commissions. My paintings enliven walls in houses around New Zealand, as well as South Africa, Australia, UK and USA. One of my paintings was bought by a person who travels the world in a cruise liner, so the painting has probably been to more places than I have. I guess that makes me a truly international artist.

I was born in Durban, South Africa, educated and grew up in Central Africa, and travelled extensively before marrying and settling in Nelson. I arrived in 1982 with my wife and three year old daughter.

New Zealand is now my home, yet Africa’s beauty and artistic appeal will always be a part of me. My travels around the African continent and other parts of the world have been part of the education process that has helped develop my character and artistic perspective.

I'm happy to take commissions. Check out my contact details on the Contact page.